bionic people are a paradox, just like the ones made of flesh & blood

I'm not into controlling everything, so if someone in my life was impaired and felt passionate about creating some robotic prosthetic that could help them lead a normal life again, I'd throw my support behind them absolutely. If I had a missing limb, or something, I think - who knows - but I think I would be inclined to try to develop more sensitivity and ability for whatever I had left. The article about the woman who used an exoskeleton to be active again - and is now working to help others do the same - is compelling. There is nothing like being free in our bodies. There are ways that technology makes things possible that are absolutely wonderful and divine and transcendent. There is always a shadow side, a price, a consequence, an undesired or unexpected side effect. We are the universe experiencing itself through the unfolding of all the complexities of life. I long for days of old, simplicity, and I hunger for more awareness, more insight, more mind-bending art. I can not separate myself from technology, I am formed of it, as we all are in this modern age, even those of us with full indigenous blood.

Of course, for a military purpose I support nothing. I hate the military. I don't care that it preserves and protects our peaceful stability. I hope that I witness the downfall of human modern culture and society in my lifetime, and I hope that when it comes, there is more liberation and wellness than suffering and that I will have gathered the knowledge of local medicinal, food and fiber plants that I will need to be of service. The military does more harm than good, and we are already too separated from one another's humanity. The Isle of Dogs touched on this theme - sneaky robot dogs that infiltrate every household and are programmed to turn into war machines at the touch of a button from Mission Control.


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