making sh** happen like magic

Human intent is incredibly powerful at affecting health - as well as many other things, even down to impacting the seemingly random lot that we are each cast by fate. "Manifestation" is another popular new age word to describe this. I tend to curl up my nose at new agey words, while also completely using them and embracing the ideas behind them. I absolutely believe that we can manifest that which we are deeply focused on, and willing to vividly conjure in our minds. I velieve further that if we are in alignment with some kind of greater harmonious field of nature or spirit, this manifestation will unfold - if we are pushing against some deeper truth that we aren't willing to see, we may find obstacles and resistance to the healing we are intending to precipitate.

A rather silly anecdote of a very powerfully transformative moment in my young sheltered life: I remember the first time I "willed myself" well - I was at a three-day convention in high school at a hotel away from home. A few of active members of my high school community service club were in attendance, and it was like summer camp and a holiday and a vacation, away from the parents, and I was thrilled to be there - of course there was also a love interest present ;).  Right when we arrived I started to feel the signs of getting sick; congestion, sore throat, heavy head and body... I was NOT willing to miss out on all the fun. I said inwardly, NO I am NOT getting sick. I laid on my bed in the hotel, and for an hour, I meditated will all my might (without knowing what meditation was or how to do it) on my own body and inwardly sensed my physical body. I focused my attention on the sickness within me dispelling, I effused myself with the thought and imagination of myself fully strong and recovered. It took quite a bit of focused intention and motivation to create the kind of force of will I remember generating on that day. I willed myself better. A few hours later, my symptoms were completely gone and I felt 100%, and went through the rest of the weekend without a trace of any of that sicky feeling.

Since that day I have had exposure to yoga and meditation, and I have become deeply engaged with prayer, which for me has been a very powerful form of focused intent. Over and over I have experienced that when I pour my attention, will, energy and prayers on an outcome, in a very conscious intentional way, I have an almost supernatural result in the direction I am oriented. There is a great power in sustained, single-pointed focus on a conscious intention.

In terms of helping guide others in their healing, acupuncture, hands-on energy work, or even praying for someone... I know that when I am exhausted, or caffeinated, overly busy, or my mind is very distracted, I do not feel that I make as strong a contact with the healing field of the person I am trying to help. My treatments feel more "thin" and "weak"... or when there is a vaguer sense of intent, or faith I suppose you can say, in the potential of transformation and healing, on the part of the person coming to get help. A fantastic topic. 


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