bionic people are a paradox, just like the ones made of flesh & blood
I'm not into controlling everything, so if someone in my life was impaired and felt passionate about creating some robotic prosthetic that could help them lead a normal life again, I'd throw my support behind them absolutely. If I had a missing limb, or something, I think - who knows - but I think I would be inclined to try to develop more sensitivity and ability for whatever I had left. The article about the woman who used an exoskeleton to be active again - and is now working to help others do the same - is compelling. There is nothing like being free in our bodies. There are ways that technology makes things possible that are absolutely wonderful and divine and transcendent. There is always a shadow side, a price, a consequence, an undesired or unexpected side effect. We are the universe experiencing itself through the unfolding of all the complexities of life. I long for days of old, simplicity, and I hunger for more awareness, more insight, more mind-bending art. I can not...